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JASON MATTERA is an acclaimed New York Times bestselling author and a journalist for the Emmy-award winning program CRIME WATCH DAILY, a syndicated TV show produced by Warner Bros., which covers murder mysteries, shocking crimes, undercover investigations, and confronts crooks and criminals of all varieties.
His dogged interviews and aggressive style prompted one television executive to remark, “If you see Jason coming at you, you run the other way. That’s not a good day for a criminal.”
Jason has been nominated for two Emmy-awards.
His latest book, CRAPITALISM: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars, was hailed by radio great Mark Levin as “outstanding” and “substantive.”The American Spectator called it a “full-throated defense of free markets” and Monica Crowley, online opinion editor of the Washington Times, said that CRAPITALISM “blows the lid off crony capitalism.”
His second book, HOLLYWOOD HYPOCRITES: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, was praised as a “barrage of body blows to Hollywood’s holier-than-thou limousine liberals” by the late Andrew Breitbart and U.S. News & World Report added that HOLLYWOOD HYPOCRITES was “oozing with juicy details.”
Jason’s seminal first book,OBAMA ZOMBIES: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation, was celebrated as “piercing, eye-opening, and deliciously witty” and “required reading for an entire generation who have been sold liberal lies” by Ann Coulter, while #1 New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin called OBAMA ZOMBIES “explosive, devastating, and rib-crackingly hilarious” and a “must-read for every citizen who cares about protecting freedom for future generations of America.”
Jason graduated summa cum laudefrom Roger Williams University in 2005, after which he joined Young America’s Foundation in Washington, D.C. as their national spokesman.
Jason subsequently served as the youngest editor of the national political journal HUMAN EVENTS and also as a broadcaster with the legendary news talk radio 77 WABC in New York City.
He’s made regular appearances on Fox News, CNN, C-SPAN, to name just a few TV outlets, and his takedown videos of politicians and celebrities have garnered tens of millions of views on YouTube, becoming Internet legends.
Jason’s a Brooklyn, New York native who currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with his beautiful wife Kendra and their twins, Asher and Ava.